December 16th, 2024





CHILDREN R150.OO P/child 3-12years

CHILDREN under 3 years are free


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Open for Trade

December 15th, 2020

Our doors are open for trade from 10am to 4pm everyday over the festive season except 25th December and 1st January.

We welcome you to visit our establishment to come and view our Reptiles, Birds and Animals.

Help Save Our Animal Sanctuary

May 13th, 2020

Pure Venom Animal Sanctuary is in desperate need of financial assistance.

We are situated in South Africa KZN and are a family run business. We create awareness on reptiles through our daily run park, schools, workshops and public events. We rescue snakes that are injured and we remove snakes that are bothering the public and relocate them. We breed various reptiles including cites listed animals. Besides reptiles, we also have a petting zoo with farm animals and exotic birds. We have been in lockdown since the 26th of March this year, and we still remain in lockdown for several more months, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are currently paying staff salaries, utilities and our animal feed and medication out of our private savings, but will soon find ourselves financially ruined.

Our only hope of survival is to appeal to Animal Lovers who are able to provide any form of assistance. Your donation will aid in helping these innocent creatures, by providing them with food and medication and safe warm living conditions as needed, as well as sustaining employment for our local community members, who are employed by us.

On behalf of our Animals, Staff and ourselves, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time, love and care.

Please click below to Donate on our Fund Raising page
Please Donate